Gavin can be contacted on or +61 7 5444 0611.Hello Fellow Tuna Flyfishers!
Since 1996 when Billy & Jodi Pate, Jack Samson, Cam Sigler Jr & Snr and Bryan Petersen visited Australia to try out our Tuna Fishery, there has always been a Tuna Comp run out of Mooloolaba, based around the Longtail Tuna.
Cam Sigler Jr and Bryan Peterson both scored World Records on Longtail Tuna (Bryan’s, only being beaten a few years ago). From these earlier beginnings came the "Longtail Tuna Chase" and this event was run successfully for many years. I have fished a lot of competitions & they always revolved around putting a number of days aside & an outlay of dollars just to be a part of the competition. Both of these are getting harder and harder to find. Then you find the time & the money & you get there and the competition is cancelled due to a Strong Wind Warning. To anyone in business or having to use sick days & holidays this is a real bummer.
With all this in mind I thought it would be fun to still have a competition but run it through Social Media & anyone who has tuna near them, anywhere in the world can be a part of this “Tuna Fly Derby”.
The Tie 'n' Fly Tuna Fly Derby will start with a Social Fish, out of Mooloolaba, on the 11th of April. Any Tuna caught, photographed, emailed to shop and of course released in good condition during this social fish, will count toward your overall points score. This is not compulsory to attend as we want anglers to come from everywhere with their photos and we want anglers to fish when they can.
This Tuna Fly Derby is not intended to be based around “What Prizes can be Won”, but there are some very nice prizes that you can win. A full list will be released during the week. All prizes will be shipped to you, wherever you may be.
The Tuna Fly Derby is intended to try and increase the public’s awareness of these fragile inshore fisheries. They are a very vulnerable biomass because they hug the shore line in a lot of cases. Normally the focus is toward the Longtail Tuna, but there are a lot of different tuna species all around the world & they are all important. That’s why we have made this a Tuna Fly Derby, because all the tuna will count. They are all worth points but more importantly, your picture shows your support for this flyfishery & who knows it might get us 1 step closer to getting this fishery managed properly.
So come & join us! Send in your Tuna Pics with the Tag printout (or buy a laminated tag). The file for the tag will be on every email about the Derby from tomorrow onwards.
You can send in as many as you want between 6am 11th of April & the 22nd of May 2015. More info to follow soon.
Blatantly promote your favorite Flyfishing Companies and/or brands in your pictures. Could be secretly worth points...
Rules coming soon, including the tag for the photos!
The main aim is that everyone who participates, has some fun.
Cheers, Paul