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The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:26 am
by LauraPalmer
ACW wrote:
Laura 'you sound just my kind of woman...
Sorry to dissapoint, but I´m some stinky dude, with too much testosteron and no manners, who happens to be a big David Lynch fan...
Need to drop Paul a mail for a more manly nickname, to stop the confusion. I have something classy, but manly like Tuck Cockford or Bruce Mansteroid in mind...
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:54 am
by ACW
I was not really trying to hit on you !
I am told there are adult meeting sites for that .
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:02 am
by LauraPalmer
ACW wrote:
I am told there are adult meeting sites for that .
haha - that's the real social media!
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:57 pm
by Lasse Karlsson
Paul Arden wrote:MED8 under normal conditions thrown overhead is low to mid 140s.
Yeah, but it sucks for speycasts
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:01 pm
by ACW
Paul Arden wrote:To be honest Andy I think it's a bit of nonsense. Bunging the line on the ground with a Switch Cast relies upon having a nice clear runway to do it. Whenever I'm fishing there is either water or a jungle there. Far better to learn an aerielised dynamic D with an anchor - otherwise you'll need to take a strimmer with you fishing.
Cheers, Paul
Well i finally gor out with a snobee designed line and was chucking my normal 3 fly 20 foot leaders about 70-80 foot with out needing to check my back cast.
this is now an essential due to walthamstowe ressers now being a wetlands center with visitors poncy cafe ?lecture /display /interactive display areas ,not to mention a specially built bat and swift tower.
The previous non fishing visitors tended to be birders who were not a problem ,now we have family groups with toddlers who have no concept of whats going on .
A happyish bunny here as i know with some practice i can reall work on this set up and not worry about hooking some snottty nosed little b and facing agressive parents!
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:38 pm
by Lasse Karlsson
Cool to hear Andy
And it goes to show that Paul needs to be more open, and willing to learn.
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:54 pm
by ACW
Just have tooo say I was not out for long ,I have had a nasty dose of man Flu and after a couple of hours the rain tipped down .if I had stayed out to long the Boss would have barred me until the spring .
It was gpood practice for opening week on the spey though ,some memorys of falkus reminding me of basic principles in very stern tones!
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:03 pm
by Paul Arden
Happy Nee Year, Andy!
The Switch Cast (Jump Roll)
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:45 am
by ACW
Paul Arden wrote:Happy Nee Year, Andy!
Thanks Paul ,sounds like you are having a good time chasing the summer in the southern hemisphere.
BTW i did take one fish on a really deep buzzer,observed by a large family group !