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Most unconventional approach to fishing

Moderator: Paul Arden

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Vicente G
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Most unconventional approach to fishing


Post by Vicente G »

Hi guys, last night after a delicious bbq with friends we started talking about unconventional stuff we do while fishing, we had some pretty weird stuff that worked for each, had a friend that on a certain stream, liked to cast and strip a dry fly underwater, as fast as he could without getting the fly to brake the surface and skate, the first time he told me this I thought "wtf is this kind of technique" but he brought me to that stream and well... it worked, I don't really know why or how and I guess that technique is pretty unique to that stream only, never had any result outside of that one :???: , he didn't had an explanation as to why it worked too, it's the type of friend that just does things because it works, anyways the question is, what is your most unconventional "outside of the box", "nobody believes me this works when I tell them" , "everybody tells me I'm wrong" type of stuff you do while fishing???

I hope some pretty wild answers, thanks everyone and have a nice day
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Re: Most unconventional approach to fishing


Post by Graeme H »

The idea of fly fishing for tuna seems to freak most people out ... ;)

For us, this is not so far outside conventional fishing. Most "normal people" (i.e. non-fishermen) this seems to be a most unconventional way to catch tuna.

The boundaries of conventional are subjective in nature.

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Paul Arden
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Re: Most unconventional approach to fishing


Post by Paul Arden »

I think all new methods start out as being unconventional. That would apply to dry fly, nymph, boobies you name it.

I had a muddler on the point and an Invicta on the dropper, fishing the reservoir water inlet and I’d be 15, 16 or 17 at the time, working in the fishing lodge. Water was pulling on the muddler which was bouncing around in the current. The Invicta was suspended 2-3’ in the air. A trout jumped out and grabbed the Invicta. I missed it. So I repeated and it jumped out again. And I missed it again. Half a dozen times this fish jumped out for the Invicta. In the end I hooked it briefly and lost it.

It would be a very exciting way of fishing if we could find a way of doing this. It must happen regularly with dapping.

On Moke Lake in NZ I noticed that the fish were swimming under the trees looking for beetles while on regular beats. So I would spot the fish, let it swim away, climb the tree and dangle the fly down and wait for its return. *That* was exciting fishing!!!! Especially the part where I would leap in!!

I did have one episode there that freaked me out a bit, and I haven’t been able to explain it. One fish was going to swim past the fly and so I dibbled it. Fish came to the fly twice and maybe saw me and spooked. I waited and then two fish came tearing in from the same direction that the first fish has departed. It looked to me like the first fish was showing the fly to the second fish and twice prevented it from taking it and then they both took off. But I don’t think trout are that smart. I have certainly seen mass spooks and have initiated a few myself :D

Cheers, Paul
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